esok kene bawak bende alah ni.
aircond my room (ofis) rosak...ntah biler nak repair, tak tau le.
and since none of the rooms ada kipas siling...so tadik berpanas gak le.
nasib baik tak lama lepas tu hujan & agak berangin.
so kurang le panasnye....
bought it a few months back, to replace yg sebelum nye. rosak.
but it has served me well... 5 years, during blackouts.
Bangunan projek turn-key memang selalu centralized aircon rosak.
Sebab Main-Con terlalu sambil lewa.
ala tiut lah sgt...
Mard, dah gi KL?
memang pun Adam... first week kitorang masuk dulu, toilet level kitorang bocor. second week, bumbung bilik mesyuarat lak bocor. Aircond tu, dah dua kali rosak... kolej kitorang ni, sebelum siap, 2x contractor lari... that's why it took 10 years to be completed.
Lilz, tak pegi pun... tak sempat. banyak hal pulak kat sini
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