i'm not bengang about the statements in the photo.
bengang kat mereka-mereka yg tak mahu terima bende ni especially the last statement tu.
dah le datang 1/2 jam lambat... bila tanye why, tak jawab pun. memang aku terus halau keluar. pastu bila dapat show-cause letter from the college, ada hati nak argue dgn aku about how they at least did try to attend the class, only diorang datang lambat je. Siap pakse aku retract my report (them coming late to class) lak tu. They said, 3x berturut-turut datang lambat baru lecturer buleh hantar report. I showed them those statements & asked them, show me kat mana yg cakap that 3x berturut tu? of course they couldn't la. They made up those '3x berturut-turut' story.
Lagipun awal2 semester lagi i dah warned all my students, any student yg 15 minit lambat akan dikira tak hadir. Whatever reason you wanna give, sila sembang dgn Pengarah or Timbalan Pengarah. Not me. My job is to take attendance & report any absentees no matter what reason they may have. Termasuk le MC & emergency cases.
And siap guna nama lecturers lain by saying, lecturers lain tak kisah pun. So aku sembur balik, by saying all their lecturers (aku siap bagi nama lecturers tu lagi) memang report kat orang atasan about their irresponsible behaviours. Terdiam diorang. Tapi pastu dok jugak nak argue lagi, lambat sikit je miss...
1/2 jam you kata 'lambat sikit je..'?
actually diorang dah terdesak tu... they don't have a valid reason for their coming late to class... so konon nak mintak belas ihsan pensyarah le. If they can't produce a valid reason, the possibility of them being barred from taking the final exam is very high.
this is not my first time arguing with students yg dapat 'surat cinta' tu... dah several times. masing2 cakap bukan sengaja nak datang lambat la, apa la, itu la, ini la... they did that for one purpose, wanting me to retract my report.
well... not gonna.
HUhu..Kalo saya la, mo kena sembur trok ngan tcer kalo kes2 cmnie..Huhu...nasib dah settle..ahaha
haha... ketok kepala diorang!!! :p
students nowadays...
tcher i sokong 100% u buat camtu...
org yang dtg lmabt juz menganggu kelas sahaja...
lecturers have to stop then pastu mesti lupa balik...
i like tesl lecturers...
wanna noe camne dia buat...kunci jur pintu then spe x siap keje persilakan dok luar klas....
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