Monday, April 12, 2010

Amali Sembelihan

Date: 10 April 2010 (Sabtu)
Venue: KPM Ayer Molek

It's a 3-in-1 program. Gotong-royong 'Gempur Pembiakan Aedes' followed by the 'Sembelihan' and finally "Pengurusan Jenazah". Petang and malam plak ada BBQ.

Ayam 40 ekor, kambing sekor.

Masa sembelihan tu le akan tau sapa yg nampak je berani tapi sebenar nye idok and sapa yg nampak je 'fragile' but actually very the berani one.... hehehe....

all in all, i had fun last Saturday. dah abis program, went for lunch at Resepi Rahsia... hehehe... lasagna and then tapau blackforest cheesecake. yummy-licious!


Liz Duan said...

budak perempuan tu sembelih ke? tak boleh kan?

Mard said...

buleh. lagipun if jika tak buleh, pasti ustaz tu akan bagitau awal2. and this is not my first time participating in this event. masa ngajar kat mrsm, tiap2 tahun ada amali sembelihan. perempuan juga tolong sembelih.