Sunday, August 30, 2009

bukak pose, dinner, sahur

bukak poser semalam
(roti jala = beli, karipap = jiran bagi)

(koko krunch with cold strawberry milk)

(kacang botol masak lemak & telur dadar goreng)

(chicken curry)

the kacang botol = from the front yard.

eggs & chicken = from our chicken coup

** telur dadar goreng = lauk wajib for sahur. rasa tak lengkap sahur without it.
(nasib baik ada constant supply of chicken eggs....hehe)

all in all, semua lauk, lauk yg simple. a few times i even had 2 pieces of peanut butter toast for bukak pose. if i have that as bukak poser, dinner tak makan dah. coz it's very fulfilling...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bewok Chilako

ha, 'bewok chilako' yg nyaris menelan anak ayam td... nasib baik bapak aku nampak and the two of us pegi mengejau and membalun nye dgn buluh...

Ikan oh Ikan

" air..."

nowadays, ikan lagi mahal dari ayam...
sekilo ikan kembung pun dah RM11++

ni gambau kat section seafood Jusco Melaka.

Poco-poco dance

yg meminati tarian ini, fikir-fikirkanlah...

kalau benar bak dikata, we should stop practising it

Thursday, August 27, 2009

27 August 2009

14 years ago... on this date, i started my teaching profession...

and I have many bitter-sweet memories/experience since then....

and there were many incidents where instead of being their teacher,
i became their students...

most importantly, I'd like to thank those who are in that circle of memories/experience for all those time spent together.

nak list sensorang... tak termampu.

Domo arigato minna-san

my mom's 60th birthday gift

her birthday is next week, Saturday, but i've been mulling over what to get for her since last month...

so, yesterday, when we went to Tesco, we saw a stall promoting Vantage products... so i pulled her hand towards it la. I knew she loves the products...the designs actually.

anyhow, she finally decided to buy a set of casserole bowls...
and i insisted on paying it despite my mom & dad's protests.
(my dad dah siap bukak his wallet pun..)

the set arrived just now, ya la, the stall only have 1 set, for promotion purposes je.
the distributor is the wife of dad's friend.
they're quite well-known figures in Melaka & TNB.

so happy to see my mom happy when she received the set just now.

she said, raya buleh guna untuk isi ketupat
(quoted verbatim ya...)

anyway, here's their website...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Nasi Ambeng & Lagu Raya

Nasi ambeng ni courtesy of 'Man Catering', Muar.
abis klas 11.30am tadik ada dah on my table,
kawan tolong amik kan dari main office kat tingkat bawah.

since i'm still full from my brunch, so bawak balik je la.
and i finally ate it at about 5.30pm.
shared it with my mom.


Lagu raya tu... well, after putting the nasi ambeng in my laptop backpack,
i continued completing some of my work.
'di hari raya, terkenang daku kepada si dia'

laughing, aku pun 'melaung' le kat facebook,
oii... sapa pasang lagu raya tuh?

moments later, makin kuat lagu tersebut dibunyikan...

hehehe... and then, sambil 'menari' masuk tukang pasang lagu tu ke bilik aku;
(he danced in...serious!)
dia cakap aku jeles dia ada lagu raya...
pastu, makin kuat lagu raya di pasang nye.

aku gelak sampai terbit ayaq mata...

pose pun idok lagi dah pasang lagu raya...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Should I go to KL next week?

next week... school mid-sem break... also my college mid-sem break.

i'm thinking of visiting KL...


Saturday, August 15, 2009

HPPNK 2009

10-16 Ogos 2009
MITC, Melaka

- that's where i went this morning.
- sampai kol 10.30pg, kerete dah banyak. bas pun dah banyak.
- so we had to park at Planetarium Melaka, next to the tapak pameran.
- macam-macam produk pertanian (including food) ada.
- tapi most are from the northern & eastern states.
- i wonder why southern states tak banyak sangat...
- anyway, my dad bought anak pokok pisang berangan & anak pokok cempedak durian.
- i bought my mom an orchid plant
(I asked the lady, nursery kamu kat mane? she replied, Kulim... nostalgic giler for me to hear that name)

rasa macam kuih bangkit
(the company is from Sarawak)
(Ejin: memang ada ea this snack there?)

ingat nak beli, tapi sbb keras, tak jadik.
(patah gigi aku kang...)
tastes good though

most are more that 1 meter long...
(ada satu makcik ni beli sampai 10 batang)

-rambutan goreng-
sedap, manis 'rambutan'....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

e-business dua-pupu

jual tudung, kain sulam, telekung.

dia kata import dari Bkt Tinggi, Sumatera.

any inquiries, ask the people yg nama mereka ada kat bawah blog tersebut.

saya tak terlibat dgn bisnes tersebut sbb saya tak berminat dgn bisnes.

so DO NOT order via me or ask me any questions about the products ya.
saya sndiri tgk kat blog tu je.

lagipun my baju raya & tudung raya dah lama siap.

when people depend too much on technology

this semester I'm teaching Public Presentation Skills (Public Speaking le tu) to semester 3 students.

I've been teaching this subject since last semester.

what 'disgusted' me the most is, some students have become too dependent on technology (read: Power Point Slide presentation) that the idea of using other types of presentation, is like a death sentence to them.

they said, PPS is better & more creative & more effective.

which I said not necessarily.

what's the point of using PPS if your materials & content, hampeh je?

I've had students who did not use PPS at all, but still managed to score more than 60/65 (the marks for their presentation)...

kenapa tak 65? heh, i'm not the type yg bagi perfect score le. hehehe

yg gune PPS pun markah tak setinggi yg tak gune PPS.

So I told this group of students, it's not a matter of high-tech presentation, it's a matter of your content/materials used, how you manipulate it to your advantage and of course, the charisma of the presenters themselves

sebab tu nama course ni: Public Presentation Skills.


p/s: aku sndri jarang ngajo gune PPS

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cute aje

macam pernah ku lihat...

so, who's the copycat?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nippon Paint Blobbies

my mom suke iklan nie.
she said the blobbies are cute!

Di Desa Kasihku Tertumpah

a song by Datuk DJ Dave.

dah lama meminati lagu ni.

jadik bagi mereka2 yg membesar di desa atau pernah ada kampung di desa,

hargailah memori yg datang dari tempat itu.

yg masih ada kampung di desa,

enjoy it while it last.

bukan apa, silap2 desa pun jadik hutan batu.

Protes Jalanan

- for whatever reason, bende ni B.O.D.O.H
- mereka yg join, otak letak kat L.U.T.U.T
- especially mereka yg bawak budak kecik join... lagi B.O.D.O.H tahap B.4.B.1
- mereka hanya pentingkan diri sendiri
- menyusahkan kehidupan orang lain
- menjatuhkan maruah negara

I'm of a mix heritage but I'm still a Malaysian who loves a peaceful life.

Layan ayam kat reban blakang umah pun lagi baik dari join protes jalanan ngarut.
Sekurang2 nye jual ayam dapat jugak rezeki halal & diredhai Allah.